Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 50 - Oct. 23, 2008

This was taken while on a walk through the cemetery. It was already really dark so I set the camera to a thirty-second exposure and set it on the ground. I really liked the outcome, as the ground is in focus, and the masoleum in the back is blurry, but still attention-grabbing.

Day 49 - Oct. 22, 2008

I took these photos one day before rehearsal. I was using my 35mm camera to take pictures for our negative manipulation project and brought my digital camera with. These are a few of the photos I took!

Day 48 - Oct. 21, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day 47 - Oct. 20, 2008

Simple portrait. I'm really intrigued by eyes.

Day 46 - Oct. 19, 2008

We had a fire going, and one of my dogs likes to lay so close to it we're scared he's going to catch on fire! But anyways, I thought that the flames illuminated his fur really uniquely and would make a good photograph.

Day 45 - Oct. 18, 2008

I uploaded two pictures for today because I liked them both. The upper one I took by holding the camera out. I really liked how it's focused on a portion of my face, but my sister is still visible in the background. The lighting also made her form seem almost distorted, making it a really interesting visual. The bottom one I just took by standing behind my sister. I know it's kind of lame to take a mirror photograph, but I really liked the angle and lighting.

Day 44 - Oct. 17, 2008

Pumpkin painting! I loved the texture of the stem.